Monday, May 31, 2010


For SuperStars you can soon have a Penthouse suite!!  I think this is cool, just wish Non-SS would have one extra room.
If you look closely in the bottom right corner, the Suite picture has changed.  Not only with the Penthouse, but the main room aswell.  Does that mean it will be smaller?  Will your closet be in the Penthouse?  I know it's probably hard to see the real details, but if you can then you understand what I'm talking about.
Below if a bigger picture to see better details.

Garden Variety

A flower shop is coming soon to Stardoll!!  I am very happy about this, seeing as I have a Green Thumb.  My garden at home is very colorful, mainly filled with Lilys, rose bushes, and Snap Dragons.  I really hope these give more of a variety.  What do you think?
Thanks for the photo

Saturday, May 29, 2010

New Hotbuys!

The Hotbuys shoes are now out!  Being sold for 7 coins in Bisou!  I love these shoes, What do you think of them?

Friday, May 28, 2010

Stardoll TV

I'm sure everyone has seen the Stardoll TV cloths right?   Well I've found out that its not going to just be an ONLINE show, that its going to actually be on TV.  Yep, and if you mail Stardoll saying you would like to be on Stardoll TV, you might be!!  Just click on the picture to watch the YouTube video!!

Chanel Coming To Stardoll

One of the new stores coming to Stardoll is Chanel!!  Here are some of the cloths to look forward to!!
(Thanks to Underneath Stardoll for the photos)


I am happy to say Invitations have been sent out for the 4th week of Big Brother Stardoll.
Please contact Miss_LolitaF for an invitation if you haven't already got one.  Again, if you do not know what time it is GMT time, click here.

The Suite Makeover

First, do you like this banner instead of the other one?  Just this one is smaller and less bulky.
So everyone knows about Science of Fashion right?  Well, I am happy to tell that KristenLovato is the winner of the Suite Make over!!  She is the creator of The Big Fashion Theory.  I love this scenery, its cute, original, and I don't think anyone else could have thought of it!!  
Here's just one room in her suite from the makeover, if you want to see all of it, click HERE.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Summer Pass!

Stardoll has a new tab on the homepage.  What is Stardoll counting down to?  We will find out when it comes out on June first!  To see it counting down for you self click HERE.  In the comments post what you think will come out!!


More spoilers have come out today!  I really like these cloths, my favorite is the blue dress in the top left corner, the blue purse, and tan and pink dress.  What do you guys think of them?

(Click image to enlarge)

RIP Elle and Amy Claire

I logged on today and remembered that today was the very last day Amy Claire would be here.  Usually the store doesn't go away until around noon where I live, so I quickly logged on hoping to be able to buy one last dress.  Sadly Stardoll had hurried the stores closing.
Elle has been gone since yesterday.  I wasn't a big fan of the last collection, but I bought a few pieces that I could wear from time to time.   What did you guys think of the 2 stores?


The hotbuys RIP crop top is now in the Starplaza being sold for 10 coins.  Right now if you go to the Starplaza it'll be in the box New in Starplaza.  Easy enough to find? lol  I love this top, its really cute.  I don't have anything that would go with it, so I need to buy another skirt.  What do you guys think?  -Ft5678

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What do people think of Stardoll?

I made a poll.
Here's what they think.
36 % thought Stardoll is greedy.
27 % thought Stardoll is addictive.
18 % thought it is fun.
9 % thought it's amazing.
9 % thought it should get deleted.

Do you agree with this? :0

Design coming soon...

Another furniture design is coming soon to Stardesign.  The window you find is FASHION is where this comes from.  I'm not sure how well this will work, cause it will be pretty hard to get a design to look good with this format.  But, if someone can pull it off, they have talent!
Heres a picture of the actual window for sale in the Suite Shop.
-Ft5678 / TheMadHatter


There's a sale in the Starplaza!!  Certain superstar items are 50% off.  None of the RealBrand cloths are on sale though, only the Stardoll brands.  I wish I had enough money to buy something.. =(  What will you buy?  -Ft5678

Monday, May 24, 2010

BBS: Task 3

(sorry bout the no banner...I'm thinking, should I keep it, or not?)

This task is very important because it will be a team work.

The 7 girls that are in the poll are safe from this task, while the other 10 will be divided in 5 groups with 2 members each.
In this task, they will show creativity and team work. In this tasks each group will have a topic and they will create an outfit for it, and also write an essay for it. One girl will create the outfit and the other will write the essay.
The Groups:
Gr.1 - Blueberry-dream & tip_toe_girl (Topic: Balenciaga)
Gr.2 - katara4 & MadWorld (Topic: D&G)
Gr.3 - x.Mariana.x & Clubklo (Topic: Chanel)
Gr.4 - stargrl_999 & prisaphiliagrl (Topic: Gucci)
Gr.5 - Daisy-Croatia & Anouch10 (Topic: Lanvin)

Each girl should add her partner and decide who will do the outfit and who will write the essay for it. For the Outfit you can check and decide to make one outfit that is shown there, while for the essay you can use google info but should write it by yourself.
The 2 groups with less votes from judges will go in the poll and the 2 girls from the group with most votes will be eliminated.
Deadline: May 27th

Send both picture of outfit and also text to Miss_LolitaF.
These task Judges are: Miss_LolitaF, Manolo.DiCicco, Nicole-0, Avril14140, LikewhoaitsMaria and Hunnigall.

You're Invited!!

Please put this on your blogs and tell people!! We want as many people here as possible!!
To get to the club just go to Ft5678's suite and its on the list of clubs she owns.
Invitation made by SephoraDarling

The new Miss Sixty

What do you guys think of it?
Have you bought any?
I did, I think its...nice... thats the only thing i can really think of to say about it. The desinges are very bright and colourful but i think with that shop they tend to be the same kind of designes. Maybe they should try something new next time.
I put a little red heart around the one's I liked :))
The thing that i didn't like was the price
18 stardollers for trousers no thanks.
But overall there nice designes.
Leave a comment with what you thought :D

June Hotbuys

The new June Hotbuys are here!!
I really love the lace top, neckace, shoes and the purse!!  They are all my style!  Below are the release dates and what store they will be in. Take a look, they are in order of dates they will release.
Here are the Release dates in order!
1. Hotbuys Lace Top                    Evil Panda                 4th June 
2. Hotbuys Purse                         Pretty In Pink            6th June
3. Hotbuys Bikini                         Bisou                        8th June
4. Hotbuys Skirt                          Fudge                       12th June
5. Hotbuys Denim Dress              Stardoll                     14th June
6. Hotbuys Coat                          Pretty In Pink            16th June
7. Hotbuys Shoes                        Bisou                        18th June
8. Hotbuys Necklace                   Fudge                        20th June
9. Hotbuys Shorts                       Pretty In Pink             24th June
10. Hotbuys Top                         Fudge                        28th June


Sunday, May 23, 2010

Airborne Edge

A new line of Styled Themed Cloths came out the 19th of this month.  We can now see what is in store for this collection!  It is a colorful and unique style that I believe anybody could pull off!  I personally love all these cloths.  What do you guys think?  -Ft5678

Free Voile Dress

If you are from Poland just click HERE to enter the competition to get this Voile dress.
If not, follow these stops! 
  1. go to
  2. paste this link into the black box
  3. click "Go"
  4. log in
  5. delete the previous URL address (from the proxy) and paste this one:
  6. Just wait till the page loads again
  7. then close the window and go to stardoll as usual.
It will appear in your suite(probably if you already have it or used to have it you won't be able to get it again)
Thank you Underneath Stardoll and Stardoll's▲top

New search?

I wanted to search some jackets,and I saw something new!
I was shocked at first,but it's normal.
When you click on 'Search',you get everything for eyes. (:
Like glasses.

What do you think about this new search?

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Many new things...

First off, Weekly to monthly suite checkups!!
Each contributor to the blog will show one special persons suite on the blog.  They will write one short paragraph about why they like it.
Also, we will have an interview with the suite owner to ask for their inspiration for their suite.  So every week to month there will be 6 posts of 6 different peoples suite!  No to suites are the same!!  If you want us to check your suite comment, or leave a message in the chat box.

Secondly, we have another blog contributor!
Please welcome SephoraDarling!  She is the 2nd graphics designer for the blog!  To visit her suite click here. 
Here's some of her work:

Next on the list, I am holding a competition celebrating 60,000,000 members!  More information will be posted soon...
A party will be held to show the winner of the comp on the 5th of June.  The party will be in StardollDiarys club guestbook.  Once again, more information will be posted shortly...

Finally, besides the 60,000,000 members competition.
Stardoll Diarys will not be doing major competitions any time soon.  The reason is because no body is signing up for them, and if anyone does, its only 1 person.

-TheMadHatter♥ / Ft5678

Big Brother Stardoll

The guest book party is now over, and the next elimination was made.  I am sorry to say Wooldoor is the newest eliminated contestant of Big Brother Stardoll.  Prisaphiliagrl, x.Mariana.x, and Katara4 are staying in the competition.
_anto_, GothRibbon, Bluegreen86, SaltyDan, Princess_Kiara1, Clairepop and _pinkalicious_x have the lowest scores, so they all will be in the poll that comes out tomorrow. 
Here are the total scores:
41 - _anto_
31 - _pinkalicious_x
47 - Anouch10
51 - Blueberry-dream
41 - Bluegreen8637 - Clairepop
48 - Clubklo
48 - Daisy-Croatia
41 - GothRibbon
49 - MadWorld
37 - Princess_Kiara1
41 - SaltyDan

54 - Tip_Toe_Girl
47 - stargrl_999

_anto_, GothRibbon, Bluegreen86, SaltyDan, Princess_Kiara1, Clairepop and _pinkalicious_x have the lowest scores, so they all will be in the poll that comes out tomorrow.

I am trying to set up in interview with Wooldoor and ask her questions about Big Brother and Stardoll.  I will try and get an interview with each eliminated contestant, and even Miss_Lolita.  So please stay tuned for the interviews!

Only Hours Away!!

This weeks Ceremony, in the account .BBS. 
6.30 PM GMT Time, May 22nd.
DressCode: McQueen.
If you want to know what time is it in the GMT time zone click here.
(I've realized that her GTM time zone is one hour later than the site.  So also check .BBS. account regularly)

Friday, May 21, 2010

Hotbuys Purse

The Hotbuys purse has just come out today!!  I really like this piece its very stylish and could go with almost any outfit!  Its sold for 12 stardollars and is found in Disou.  Tell us what you think of it!
So far, these are all the Hotbuys that have come out this month, if I am missing any please tell me.

Free White Dress

I am sorry for the late posts today, my cat keeps waking me up at 5 in the morning this week.  Today was the only day all week I've got to sleep in.  Trust me, you have no clue how good it felt to wake up at 11 and not 5.  Anyways....
It seems Stardoll has a think for Alice and Wonderland, first The Red Queens dress, and now the White Queen!  If you are from the US click Here to get it.

If you are not the the US...
  1. Go to 
  2. Copy and paste this into the blank box:
  3. Click on browse and log in. 
  4. On the Proxy replace the old link with this one:
  5. Hit enter, close the window 
  6. Go on Stardoll. 
Go to your suite and it'll be in your main room.

Thursday, May 20, 2010


England Stardoll members can get these free items when they play for 12 month with a via Credit Card.  I believe Stardoll is being unfair to certain memberes, because they are giving free items or discounts to them and not others.  What do you guys think?
(Credit to:

More Spoilers

I found more Spoilers...

New Home Page

Now that there's 60,000,000 members on Stardoll, Stardoll has a new front page!  And if you look closely, the cloths and looks of the predesigned dolls have new looks and new cloths!  Though some of them are still the same, many of them are different! Also, a zoom in button has been added so people are able to see what the medoll's face looks like.
Since its Spring and Summer is on its way, Stardoll has made the background of the front page pink floral.  I think this is very pretty and works with both Spring and Summer. 
Also, a new video has come out for people who want to know more about stardoll.  
Personally, I liked the old one better.

 Please say what you think of the changes in the comments or in the chat box!

Stardoll has changed it once again today!!  Just the background this time!  Its covered in the words 60 million!